About Us
Our History
Coalition for Humanity (CH) is a Not for Profit organization, committed to finding lasting solutions to humanitarian and development challenges facing the people of South Sudan. It was established in 2013 as a Community Based Organization (CBO), operating out of Bentiu, former Unity State. Later we transitioned to a national Not for profit organization in September 2017.
The Coalition for Humanity has its headquarters in Juba, with presence in Leer, Panyinjiar, Mayiendit, Koch, Mayom and Rubkona counties in former Unity State, Maiwut, Longuchuk in Uper Nile state. The organization’s ultimate goal is to reach out to people across the entire South Sudan.
Starting the year 2020, its part of our strategic plan to continuously integrate humanitarian response approaches with sustainable development programing. In addition to emergency response, the organization will focus on sustainable development goals. Goal 16 will form the backbone of these interventions, while advocating for peace and security. The Coalition for Humanity will continue pursuing improved access to water and sanitation, improved food security, improved access to healthcare, education and finally ending gender based violence and any form of inequality in the country The Coalition for Humanity is flexible and capable of intervening in any emergency and development work anywhere in the country and all programmes are tailored to meet the needs of vulnerable households. The organization focuses on emergency and relief works around five thematic areas.
Our Approch to Programming
Our Areas of Focus
The organization focuses on emergency and relief works around five thematic areas
Our Organizational Structure
Our Core Values
Transparency and Accountability
Coalition for Humanity will conduct itself with openness, be accountable to the communities and the partners by making public its statements of operation and engaging the communities as key implementers and not just beneficiaries.
Coalition for Humanity will uphold the principle of corporate social responsibility, economic and environmental actions and the outcomes of such actions will seek to protect the communities and the environment in its implementation.
Coalition for Humanity team will treat everyone with respect, hold them in high regard, irrespective of social status, class, age, hierarchy and position in the organization or in the community.
Teamwork and Collaboration
The Coalition for Humanity team will not compete whether internally or externally but will seek areas of synergy with colleagues, partners and key stakeholders in South Sudan for the common good.
Coalition for Humanity team will conduct itself with honesty, truthfulness both internally, externally, to the communities, partners, and donors.
Our Commitment
The Coalition for Humanity is committed to upholding the highest standard in humanitarian and development space.
The organization is guided by a strict code of conduct as well as other best international practices which include but not limited to:
- Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS)
- Humanitarian Principles (Humanity, Neutrality, Impartiality and Operational independence)
- Sphere Standards (Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response).
The Coalition for Humanity contributes to these bodies through sharing information and experience and benefits through improvement of its efforts of bettering the lives of vulnerable populations.
Codes and Policies
As a humanitarian and development organization, we put our beneficiaries first since they are the reason why we exist. We also ensure that our staff, consultants and other stakeholders are confident about our work including use of resources and creating a conducive environment for all to thrive. We have developed a series of in-house codes and policies, which guide our day to day operations. These include:
- Code of Conduct
- Human resources Policy
- Finance and Operations Policy
- Procurement and Logistics Policy
- Programme development policy
- Whistle blower policy
- Anti-corruption policy
The Coalition for Humanity has zero tolerance to sexual exploitation and abuse and has put in place a system that prevents sexual exploitation and abuse to beneficiaries, staff and consultants.
Our Partners and Funders